A plea for creation
Inspiring, raising awareness and mobilising Christians for an ecology in action
Mobilising Christians
A Rocha France strives to convey a Christian vision of ecological commitment, to bring about changes in behaviour that lead to respect for the environment.
This means
- The development and transmission of a theological vision, through publications, the development of arguments, interventions in churches and conferences given throughout France. Read the theological and biblical foundations of A Rocha.
- The training of Christians committed to these issues, through stays at Les Courmettes, the development and running of the A Rocha Ambassadors Network, the creation of local action groups, and involvement with training institutions in the Protestant world.
- Invitations to prayer: calls to prayer (praise, intercession, contemplation) in various media (WhatsApp, press, websites, newsletters, etc.) and events (church days, special events, etc.). Discover daily prayer for creation.
- Advocacy, in collaboration with other institutions, for the promotion of ambitious environmental policies, the empowerment of institutions, particularly religious ones, and a commitment to responsible individual and collective consumption and management of resources.
Here are a few examples: - A Rocha France’s historic involvement in the Green Church label.
- Call to prayer for the COPs in partnership with SEL.
- Relaying the actions of Lutte et Contemplation.
- Participation in climate marches.
- Occasional participation in forums organised by groups of Christian organisations.
As a Christian association dedicated to the protection of the environment, A Rocha France is making a unique plea for Churches and Christians to become active players in the preservation of creation.
Advocacy is at the heart of A Rocha's mission. It aims to make Christians aware of their responsibility towards creation, encouraging them to adopt a lifestyle that respects the environment. Through local initiatives, training courses such as Caring for Creation, and ongoing dialogue with the Churches, A Rocha invites people to undergo an ecological conversion: a profound change in attitudes and behaviour, rooted in faith. This work of questioning and mobilisation helps believers to embody their vocation as guardians of creation in a changing world.
The ethics of A Rocha France are based on a Christian vision of the relationship between man, God and creation. Here are a few fundamental principles:
Responsible stewardship of creation: Inspired by the Bible, A Rocha believes that nature is not a resource to be exploited, but a gift for the good of all. The association is committed to protecting biodiversity and promoting sustainable practices that respect the environment.
A scientific and collaborative approach: A Rocha's actions are based on rigorous research and cooperation with various stakeholders: scientists, farmers, local authorities and churches. This approach combines knowledge, faith and action.
A vocation of hope and transformation: A Rocha strives to mobilise Christians and society around the ecological issue, cultivating a vision of hope. It encourages sober lifestyles, concrete actions and ethical commitment, in a spirit of service and justice.
Involving your church or church union in ecological conversion is a process that requires listening, teaching and commitment. Here are a few practical steps to take:
1. Start by raising awareness
Organise discussions, workshops or screenings of documentaries on ecology and the Christian faith. Highlight biblical teachings on human responsibility towards creation, such as Genesis 2:15 or Colossians 1:16-17.
2. Involve leaders
Talk to pastors and church leaders about including the ecological issue in preaching, prayers or Bible studies. Their support is essential in bringing the whole community together.
3. Implement concrete actions
Suggest simple actions: reduce waste, switch to renewable energy, organise neighbourhood clean-ups or plant trees. These initiatives show that a collective commitment is possible and meaningful.
4. Join the A Rocha ambassador network
Include your church in the A Rocha ambassador network, a programme designed to support churches in their ecological conversion. This network offers resources, training and personalised support to help Christians act together in favour of creation.
5. Create a dynamic of union
If you are in a union of churches, mobilise the various players around joint projects, such as a day of reflection, an ecological weekend or a campaign of prayer for creation. These events strengthen links and amplify impact.
Together, the Church can become an active witness of hope and transformation, inspiring others to commit themselves to the preservation of creation.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our advocacy work

Conferences and training
Would you like to move from inspiration to action? Come and take part in one of our initiatives! Whether it’s a conference, a stay in the heart of nature at Les Courmettes or a practical action in the field, every moment is a unique opportunity to learn, meet enthusiasts and take action in favour of biodiversity.

Publications and Resources
A Rocha provides resources that are adapted and accessible to all audiences, to deepen your theological and ecological commitment, if you wish to share this approach with your loved ones, your churches or your groups.
Interventions in the churches
Church events are at the heart of the Ambassadors Network’s mission: to inform, raise awareness of the ecological crisis and its responses, and encourage people to take action.
These events can take a variety of formats:
- Preaching, lecture or presentation: The speaker provides content according to the needs identified in advance with the organiser. Questions from participants can be taken at the end of the presentation or informally in the discussions afterwards.
- The workshop is usually run with a small group (<30 people), which can be split into sub-groups: participants take an active part by brainstorming or role-playing. The content can be adapted to suit the age and profile of the participants (children, young people, adults). The workshop can also take the form of a meditative walk to pray, discover and reflect.
Ask A Rocha to talk in your church
Participate in advocacy actions
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