Reports on the work of A Rocha France and in particular the scientific team
Monitoring the reproduction of the European Roller
Since 2002, A Rocha France has developed and maintained a network of roller nest boxes in the Baux valley. And since 2016, the team has been mapping and monitoring a number of available natural cavities that could potentially be suitable for the roller.
Here are the results of our study for the 2021 season: read the study here (French).

La Cistude in the Baux valley
More than a year ago now, we announced the start of a study in the Baux valley on the European pond turtle, this discreet and shy aquatic turtle… Consult the complete study by clicking here (French PDF).
2020 report on the ringing of migratory birds in the Ilon marsh
In 2020, we carried out 26 ringing sessions on this site. In total we captured 5,211 birds of 41 species. Learn more…