Volunteer with us

DSC_0498Our two environmental study centres take in volunteers who wish to help our staff with our projects all months of the year. Having volunteer status means that you get involved with our work of your own accord and without pay in order to serve our organization. You give of your own time freely and without remuneration – anything from a few hours to several months each year. Expertise in environmental fields is not a requirement! We love to have people with skills in conservation, environmental education, communication, gardening, DIY, administration, housekeeping … there’s something for every age group! Each applicant’s profile is considered in detail to see whether we can match the expectations of the candidate to the needs of our team.

Some examples of the type of project you could get involved with as a volunteer:

Please click here to see the latest opportunities.

One way you could come as a volunteer within an existing framework is by coming on the European Voluntary Service (EVS). Details on the EVS:

The European Voluntary service is part of the ‘youth in action’ programme of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the member states of the European Union. An EVS placement is not an internship, nor is it a period of training, nor a youth employment scheme nor indeed a language course or holiday. It does not allow one time to follow a university course or be in paid employment simultaneously. What is it then? It is a full time voluntary occupation undertaken once, the length of which is between 2 and 12 months. Social welfare for the volunteer during the time he or she is engaged is provided by an agreement reached by the European commission.

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