Our 2021-22 annual report is online
4 April 2022
Although still strongly marked by the health crisis, the year 2021 was nonetheless rich in meetings, discussions, debates and actions to pursue our mission to preserve living things and mobilise Christians.
With its title “Together, preserving life”, we wanted to highlight the importance of the collective dimension in the protection of biodiversity and the fight against global warming.
For us, 2021 marked the launch of our Ambassadors network, with three objectives:
- CONVINCE Christians who are still reluctant to change their lifestyle and make a collective commitment to the planet
- TRAIN and EQUIP Christians in ecology: both theologically and practically
- ACT: creating the context for Christians to act in their daily lives
We have also continued our scientific fieldwork, which we consider essential to protect natural sites or threatened species. Whether in the Vallée des Baux or on the 600-hectare Courmettes estate, our scientific teams have not lost their enthusiasm despite the crisis, and you will find in this report several articles about the different projects that were carried out.