Social networks

1 July 2021

Social networks vs. nature

At a time when doctors are alarmed by the deleterious effects of a lack of physical activity, and diagnose children with disorders linked to a lack of contact with nature, it’s not a good idea to stay on your phone or computer too much. At A Rocha, we encourage you to spend time outside walking, gardening and enjoying the beauty of nature rather than on social media. But because we realise that life is about compromise, and that most of us are more likely be looking like the picture on the left than the people in Millet’s ‘Angelus’, we know that social networking is important for keeping in touch with our community of friends across France (and beyond!).

An increased presence on the networks

This is why we are now present on all the following social networks… while encouraging you to remember to log off at least one day a week!, updated almost daily, and


We are also considering the creation of a Whatsapp group. Write to us if you are interested in this option. And of course we can always stay in touch via our monthly newsletter.

Yes these are all in French, but you can put comments on Facebook in any language and you’ll see plenty of photos and other information there.

Don’t forget to subscribe, to like, to share, to participate, to comment… It’s also a great way to support us, and we hope to be able to talk to you in person in one of our centres or at a regional meeting!

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