The ponds at Courmettes: a treasure !
You may not have known it, but among the ecological treasures of Courmettes are seven ponds.
Each of these seven ponds is unique. Some are temporary (they dry up completely in the summer) and others are permanent. Some are wooded, others semi-wooded and others are even present in open environments. All these differences favour different plant and animal species and therefore increase the biological riches of the area.
However, not only do they have differences, they all have one thing in common: they gradually close up. That is the natural evolution of any pond. So, no problem, you might say, that’s nature!
The real problem is that where, in the past, one pond closed, another opened. But today, with urbanisation, the use of pesticides, climate change, etc., ponds, and wetlands in general, are disappearing more and more quickly, but very few are reopening naturally. And this is all the more true when you are on the Côte d’Azur!
These areas are essential for many species, including us humans.
In this local context, these seven ponds are a real opportunity and their preservation is essential.
In order to preserve them properly, it is first necessary to understand how they function, what the dynamics of each of them are, which plant and animal species are present, etc. Once we have this knowledge, we can create a plan for the future and can develop appropriate management to conserve them.
So, beginning in March, we have begun to set up a monitoring system for the seven ponds in order to acquire this knowledge. The aim is to measure the evolution of several elements – such as the water level, the water surface, the amount of silting, the flora, the amphibians, the dragonflies, etc.
We hope to be able to give you the first results of the monitoring this autumn!